Sunday, May 23, 2010

Who does not know God? if not do you want to know Him and be saved?

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and can be yours too. Call upon the name of the Lord and Be saved! If you confess me before man, I will confess you to the Father. Repent for the return of the Lord is at hand.Just say this simple prayer and get saved! (if you want to)
Dear Jesus,
I know that I am a sinner
I want to thank you for dying on the cross for me so I may be saved.
I ask you to forgive me and to come into my heart and Be my Lord and Savior for ever.
Thank you Jesus for saving me
I Love you
Amen!Let me know if you excepted Him into your heart. He will forgive everything that you have done. why not start a new what is there to loose? you could explane that too if you have something to loose for excepting the God who saves.
This is not a question. It is religious propaganda and SPAM and has no place here.
Why are you posting this here? Apparently doing stuff like this must make you feel better. Sounds you don't believe half of what you say.
This is not a science question, this is a religious question. Posting here only makes you look like a fool, and makes most everyone else turn away from your message.I am a Christian, and I find the fact that you posted in this place offesnive. It is this kind of unreasonable mindset that turns people away from Christianity. Keep your comments where the belong: In the RELIGION forums, or to yourself.Have some sense, and show some tact, and you might find people are more receptive. Take a lesson from our Christ, who knew his place, and knew when to speak, and when not to speak. You only belittle yourself and him when you do not think, or believe and act like you have some sort of special secret answer, or are smarter/wiser/holier than everyone here on the science forums.
Tiger Striped Dog MD
Concerned Christian
I forgive you for not spellchecking, but not for posting this in an inappropriate place.
I know him as a fantasy of your imagination.
I was saved when I realized you were hallucinating and I should manage my life.
Since he is your fantasy, I really do not need any forgiveness.
you had a good heart but they don't want it here so go to the religous section ok?But still go with God.,
A Christian with God for God and helping a fellow Christian out.
Accepting. Amen..
Man's salvation depends upon his own realization of the Truth, and not on the benevolent grace of an supernatural entity rewarding man for his good behavior.
Um, no offence or anything, but this isn't really the sort of thing you'd do over the internet. You'd really want to talk it out w/ someone and it would take at least a few days to really want to have him there. Try volunteering at your local church.

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