Sunday, May 23, 2010

who is Abraham Maslow and what is his concepts and contribution.thanks a lot people?

who is Abraham MaslowHis concepts and contributionThanks a lot people..god bless
He came up with the hierarchy of needs. First and foremost people need their physiological needs met (eg food and water) then they need safety, love and belonging, esteem and actualisation. You can find plenty of information if you do a search on "Abraham Maslow".CheersAudrey
Abraham Maslow proposed an influential humanistic theory, his concept of of a "needs heirarchy". he also devoted much attebtion to the study of people who, in his terms, are "psychologically healthy". these are the individuals who have attained high levels of self actualization- a statein which they have reached their fullest potential. what are such people like? in essence, much like the fully functioning persons described by Rogers.
self actualization people accept themselves for what they are; they recognise their shortcomings aswll as their strengths.
being in touch with their own eprsonalities, they are less inhibited and less likely to conform than most of us.
Self actualized people are well aware of the rules imposed by society, but feel greater freedom to ignore them than most people.
unlike most of us, they seem to retaintheir childhood wonder and amazement with the world. for them, life continues to be an exciting adventure rather than a boring routine. finnaly, slef actualized persons sometimes have what Maslow describes as peak experiences-- instances in which they have powerful fellings of unity with the universe and fell tremendous waves of power and wonder. Such experinces appear to be linked to personal growth, for aftr them individualsreport feeling ,ore spontaneous, more appreciative of life, and less concerned with the problems of everyday life.
examples of people Maslow describes as fully self actualized are Thomas jefferson, Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevetl, and George Washington Carver

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