Sunday, May 23, 2010

Who has done more,plumbers or Dr's ,to prolong life?

Until the advent of wide spread modern plumbing the the average
life span was in the 40's after modern plumbing became wide spread life span leaped into the 60's.
On the whole, doctors. You have to understand that the personal and civic hygeine that plumbers make possible, indeed easy, was (at one time) prescribed by physicians.The things that have done the most to increase human lifespan and reduce human disease and suffering are, metaphorically: soap, sewers and square meals.Soap: This represents good personal hygeine; hand washing before eating or preparing food, after toileting, keeping the body as a whole comparatively clean, and particularly keeping wounds clean--that sort of thing.Sewers: Good civic hygeine. This includes proper disposal of bodily wastes, but also garbage; it includes steps being taken to assure the purity and safety of the drinking water and the food supply; that sort of thing.Square Meals: Adequate, but not excessive, nutrition. This used to be making sure that you got not only your meat and potatoes, but your fruits and veggies, too. It is a rapidly growing area, as we find that aviodance of some stuff (cholesterol, for instance, or sodium) or augmentation of the intake of others (lycopenes, calcium, magnesium, potassium, folate, and such) will improve long term health; and of course, it includes staying at or near the "ideal" body weight.It's estimated that these three groupings of things--all of which, I might add, were once prescribed by physicians--are estimated to have added about 20 to 25 years to the human lifespan. All the marvelous drugs, diagnostic machines, and new surgical procedures are estimated to have added about 18-20.Go figure.
Doctors, There are SO many surgeries nowdays to fix anything that might be wrong with you, but it was a close race between the plumbers and doctors!
Offhand I would say, the answer is about 50-50.
Today, it is of more importance to raise people's own awareness about health. For a great part this is all about eating healthy, thinking healthy, physically and emotionally, exercising.

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