The bible says in the garden of eden in rome in asia and scientists say Ghana in Africa. The bible is really really truthfull and almost everything originates from the histories in the bible. name it surgery-taking the bone out of adam into eve, scheduling- time for everything, even horrible things like being gay- a warning not to have sex with same sex that there is male and female for a reason. so this, should definitely not be ignored. I mean scientists are just like little kids asking questions that will only raise more and still never gets it.Besides, dont y'all think the asian color is the normal color and whites are the lighter form and blacks are the darker form?
The Bible never explicitly says where the Garden of Eden was, but geographic hints in the text suggest somewhere in Southwest Asia (modern-day Iraq).This makes sense, since the first cities and the first human civilization started in that region (what the Greeks called Mesopotamia, the region between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers).But, it appears that humans did not originate there. We only built our first cities there and our first state-level societies originated there.Scientists who study human origins have developed a strong case that modern humans first appeared in Eastern Africa. Why do they think this? The fossil record for early humans goes back much farther in Eastern Africa than anywhere else in the world: In fact, proto-human fossils can be found there that link with the common ancestor we share with Chimpanzees.As far as "normal color", please bear in mind that race has very little to do with skin color: Ethnic variation is more than skin deep: Anthropologists can tell the difference between a East Asian skull and an African one, or even a Native American tooth from a European one.Skin color is a superficial difference that has a simple explanation: The SUN. Human populations who have lived for thousands of years in regions with intense and direct sunlight have evolved more MELANIN, a sun-absorbing protein, in their skin. Melanin is like natural sunblock, and it makes your skin darker.Europeans are descended from nomadic tribes that wandered in some of the most sunless and desolate places on earth during the last Ice Age. Without sunlight penetrating the skin, the body cannot create Vitamin D. Without vitamins or fortified milk to drink, they literally became sick. Those with lighter skin had an advantage and the population very quickly lost much of the melanin in their bodies: They lost it in their skin (white skin), their hair (blonde or red hair), and even in their eyes (blue eyes are the result of very little melanin in the iris).Nature has not decreed a "normal" skin color. Evolution is relentlessly practical: The best skin color is the one that works best for the local environment.In our modern era of sunblock, indoor living, heavy clothing, and vitamin-enriched food, skin color has no meaning except to help indicate where most of your ancestors came from.A few words about the Bible: Surgery was performed by human beings THOUSANDS of years before the Bible was written. We know this because we find skeletons quite often with evidence of dental surgery, skull trepanning (drilling holes in the skull to relieve fluid pressure on the brain), and we also find other kinds of evidence of other surgical procedures.As far as "scheduling", just take a look at Stonehenge: This was built about 10,000 YEARS before the Bible was written and it is essentially a religious ceremonial site that also happens to be an accurate calendar (the ancient Celts were great astronomers and they sighted certain stars by means of those big stones and could therefore predict seasonal changes).I could go on and on, but I have to end by making a point about the gay thing: Yes, male and female exist for a reason and that reason has EVERYTHING to do with reproduction. So, when heterosexuals have sex while using birth control, they are also committing an unnatural act -- according to your logic. It is also "horrible" for a sterile woman or an infertile man to have sex with anyone.I think it is clear that YOU are the one "asking questions that will only raise more and still never gets it".
lol. Would you like to have a surgery done on you by a person who only learned from Bible? Or from a guy who took science classes?
archealogical findings put man in ethiopia, he then migrated through the middle east spreading into europe and towards asia, where they crossed the land bridge at the bering sea to get to north and south america. The garden of eden is expected to be the hanging gardens of Babylon, long lost in Iran and that general area.
Well, if it was intelligent man, I don't believe it was from the Americas.
God, God is the origin of man.
Depends where u think the middle east is located. In Africa, or Asia.
The bible doesn't say where the garden of Eden was but we think life started over, after the flood, on the European or Asian continent. The garden of Eden was in, what is now the state of Missouri. The alter Adam used for burnt offerings/sacrifices, is still there.
One must understand that bible did not land up in the hands of human beings by courier or by Fax. What you see today is the result of the gathering in Nicacia Rome under a king who united the religions of his time some where after 350 years after the death of christ.Bible was written and composed to suit the people an kings of that time. There are older civilizations than Christanity such as that of Egypt, Mohenjdaro Harappa,The Sumerians ,the Incas etc.
The global quest of mapping the gene sequences of every Human tribe of the world does point the finger to the fact that the oldest Humans started from somewhere in central African Region. They moved out from this region to other areas of the world.Based on the environmental status each race changed its structure and skin tones eye color and hair colors.
Beleive me thre is more to this human race than skin colors.
The scientific community tells us Africa. The Bible neither mentions Rome or Asia. It is not specific on that point. Many current Bible scholars place Eden in what is now Iraq. If you look at your globe, you will find that Iraq is not far from Africa. Besides, aren't we all like little kids asking questions?
Just to get things straight - things ("genetic mutations") do not "just happen," so to speak. Yes, they are random, but they occur in a chemical, and observed context. If you don't understand the actual, factual, observed chemical concepts behind genetic replication, then don't go around making assumptions about things you don't know about.Also, never stop asking questions. You might not like the answers, but not everything is the way you may want it to be in the world - its called reality.
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