Monday, October 12, 2009

which antibody type is associated with allergic reactions?

Allergic reactions are caused by chemicals called histamines. Antihistamines are used to counteract the effects of histamines.
I can only think of histamine.but I'm not sure if that is an antibody or not.
Histamines..can occur almost anywhere! Especially wine!You can also be allergic to particles in the air. Dust mites come to mind. Also pollution particles
An allergic reaction occures when the body reactes to an antibody that isn't actually a threat to our health. It can be anything.
The body uses Immunoglobulin E to fight allergic reactions. There is a brief paragraph on the website I found the answer at that may help you figure it out.
of 5 Ig's (G,A,M,E,D) IgE is an antiboby associated with allergic reactions

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